Classic Resistance Trainer


Isometric & Isotonic resistance training exerciser that can be used for fitness, strength, speed, strongman and sports specific training sessions. Control constant but variable resistance in all angles with ONE finger: Switch between isometric hold and isotonic moves whenever you want


Short Line

This Exer-Genie® system is where it all started. A great value – and you can add any high-performance add-on to create more uses. Irreplaceable for your foundational, recreational and competitive fitness and rehab strength, flexibility and power development.

  • Exer-Genie® variable resistance training (VRT) exerciser/10′ training line and door anchor
  • Padded rowing handles
  • Padded training harness
  • Hardwood footboard
  • Carrying case
  • Online educational resources

The Exer-Genie® training system allows you to do variable isometric, PLUS variable isotonic resistance at any angle as well as having variable isotonic resistance through the range of motion where gravity has no affect on the movement.

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Additional information

Weight 5.8 lbs
Dimensions 16 × 9 × 3 in